


• License for permanent use on 1 PC. This is not a subscription. No monthly or annual recurring fees.
• Download and verify directly on the official website
• For 1 PC- Genuine License
• Fully installed versions of Word 2016 ,Excel 2016 ,PowerPoint 2016 ,OneNote 2016 ,Outlook 2016, Publisher 2016, Access 2016, OneDrive,Skype

  • Word – you can collaborate with others in real time by inviting others to access your Word documents with new Share buttons. Invited users can edit files on the web even if they do not have an Office 365 subscription and lets you know who contributed to the changes made with your shared documents. You can even take a PDF document and edit it in Word.
  • Excel – MS Office 2016 Professional now has additional chart designs and visualisation styles or options like waterfall matrices or charts to help you track changes of values over time and period, sunburst chart to help you illustrate layered information or data, and whisker plots so you can tackle statistical variations clearly.
  • Other Office Professional 2016 enhancement includes real time co-authoring for PowerPoint, Publisher is still as functional as it was before, and Access is continuously improved to make it relevant always.

– You can share PowerPointpresentations by just sending a link to your file or use the Free Office Presentation Service feature to deliver it to a specific audience and have them join you regardless of where you are.
– With Microsoft Access, youcan make a list and summarise information and data from a query or table.
– The online photo printingfeature of Microsoft Publisher 2016 lets save time in making a hard copy ofimages that you gather.

  • OneNote’s amazing functionand feature is that you can now embed Excel files, diagrams, audio or videofiles, and other types of office files. In addition, your organised notes canbe save and accessed online and synchronised to other devices.
    Create ideas with the helpof a keyboard, mouse, pen, and touch through the Tell Me feature, that has beenintroduced with the latest software and programs such as Microsoft OfficeProfessional 2016 download. With this option, you can type what you want helpwith and the feature will provide you instructions on how the task can becompleted.
  • With more themes availablewhen you download Microsoft Office 2016 Professional, you now have betteroptions to choose from to suit your mood. Why not try use a template from theStart screen, then let it choose set up and design for you while you gatherideas, data, and other forms of content?
  • Bing powered Insightfeature for access to relevant information all over the web.

System Requirements

Required Processor at least 1 GHz or faster x86 or x64 bit processor packed with SSE2.
Required Operating System Windows 7 Windows 8, 8.1,8.1 Pro, Windows 10 Home or Pro, Windows Server 2008 with R2, or Windows Server2012.
Required Memory minimum of 1GB for 32bitand 2 GB for 64 bit.
Required Hard Disk Space at least 3 GB free space onyour hard disk.


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