Exam Management system

Our online Exam Management software allows you to create and conduct various types of exams, including qualifying exams, mid-terms, periodic tests and many more. It also allows you to conduct exams for specific student groups rather than the whole class.

Complete web-based exam
management solution

Exam Management

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Detailed Reports

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Online Examination

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Gradebook Management

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More about exam management system

Each module can be configured to closely match the business processes in use at your institution, and can also be styled to provide a look and feel that is common to other tools the user may use on a day-to-day basis. Users can be reassured that tasks they carry are done in a way that confirm to agreed standards and processes. Web-based, adaptive user-interfaces have a common look and feel across all modules, minimizing training needs.

Native support for mobile devices ensures tasks can be carried out without the need for fixed workstations. Eloerp can improve your students’ experience, ensure data consistency and quality, streamline the generation of the exam timetable and more fully meet the expectations and requirements of all stakeholders.

We are best in providing solutions

Web-based, adaptive user-interfaces have a common look and feel across all modules, minimising training needs. Native support for mobile devices ensures tasks can be carried out without the need for fixed workstations.